Disclaimer: FODC Club membership starts from $395 and it includes free x-rays and 2 regular cleanings during an enrollment year. FODC Perio Club starts from $495 and it includes free x-rays and 4 maintenance cleanings discounted at 49% (save up to $400 on 4 maintenance cleanings). FODC Club membership is for patients qualifying for a routine cleaning (D1110) and does not exhibit a calculus buildup around the gumline nor exhbit bone loss on the x-ray. If a patient exhibits a bone loss or have a calculus buildup, FODC Perio Club is recommended to get the best discount on a periodontal maintenance cleaning (D4910). Both FODC Club and FODC Perio Club includes 20-25% discounts on fillings, root canal, extraction, and other dental services. FODC Club/ FODC Perio Club discount plan membership is valid for 12 consecutive months. Please call our office at (703)766-1575 for more details and exclusions. The in-office discount plan is valid only on the service provided at the following location: 12011 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy #104 Fairfax, VA 22033. Not valid with a dental insurance coverage or another discount program.